Local and Abroad

In response to the overwhelming love of Christ that bridged
 the chasm between us and God,
 we believe the Bible the inherit word of God.  
It is our hearts desire and leading of the Holy Spirit that
 we seek to fulfill our duty of the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
In sharing the love of Christ, not only in our community, but to the ends of the earth.

We desire to take every opportunity to show the love of Christ in truth remembering
that there are eternal consequences for every soul.

"Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart;
for consider what great things He has done for you."

1 Samuel 12:24

JUarez mission trip 

Where: Juarez Mexico/Servant Senders
When: November 6, 2024 - November 13, 2024
Registration and non-refundable deposit due by August 1st.
Informational meeting: Sunday July 21st after 2nd service.
Cost $1500 per person. Payment Due by October 1st

Local Outreach 

outreaches we currently support  - Click to Learn more

If you would like more information on our outreach and missions work, please fill out the form below.